Using the Sample Application

This is a Microsoft® Visual InterDev demonstration application illustrating an intranet application for a fictitious insurance company, Friendship Insurance. The complete source for this project is available within the Visual InterDev "Agent" project.

The intranet application enables Friendship agents to view and finalize policy submissions that have been submitted by customers over the Web. You can make submissions using the Friendship Internet Application that accompanies this sample (the "Client" project).

When a customer submits a policy change, the requested change appears in the Pending Policies database for the customer's insurance agent. The agent can view and finalize these pending policies by choosing the "Pending Policies" option in this intranet application.

As you enter policy changes using the Internet application and finalize policy submissions using this intranet application, you will see the live information updates reflected throughout each application.

To run the sample intranet application, follow these steps:
1. Login to the application as agent Sean Chai (login information can be accessed from the login screen).
2. Choose Pending Policies from the main screen.
3. Click on an active policy change that needs action.
4. Click Terms and Coverage to view the policy details.
5. Make changes, and then calculate a final premium.
6. Submit the changes as final. (Notice the pending policy table no longer includes this policy.)

You can also go into the Reports section to view a report, and see how a Microsoft® Excel pivot table has been integrated into the application as an Active Document.

To run the related sample and generate new policy changes, follow the instructions for the Internet Client site.

You can view a diagram outlining the information flow within the Agent Web site Friendship application.

This sample information flow illustrates:
1. Authenticated logon, with auto-redirect to login page and security check on private pages.
2. Personalized "Agent Dashboard" (main application screen).
3. Extensive database access via Active Data Objects (ADO).
4. Active Document as an integrated Excel Pivot Table.
5. Many useful coding techniques for building a Visual InterDev application.

Reset the demo.

© 1998 Friendship Insurance