Creates an array of between 1 and 3 dimensions. Array elements are indexed with square brackets: [ ].
Note that ColdFusion arrays expand dynamically as data is added.
An integer value between 1 and 3.
<!--- This example shows ArrayNew ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ArrayNew Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H3>ArrayNew Example</H3> <!--- Make an array ---> <CFSET MyNewArray=ArrayNew(1)> <!--- Note that ArrayToList will not function properly if the Array has not been initialized with ArraySet ---> <CFSET temp=ArraySet(MyNewArray, 1,6, "")> <!--- set some elements ---> <CFSET MyNewArray[1]="Sample Value"> <CFSET MyNewArray[3]="43"> <CFSET MyNewArray[6]="Another Value"> <!--- is it an array? ---> <CFOUTPUT> <P>Is this an array? #IsArray(MyNewArray)# <P>It has #ArrayLen(MyNewArray)# elements. <P>Contents: #ArrayToList(MyNewArray)# <!--- Note that the array has expanded dynamically to six elements with the use of ArraySet, even though we only set three values ---> </CFOUTPUT> </BODY> </HTML>