Converts the specified one dimensional array to a list, delimited with the character you specify.
ArrayToList(array [, delimiter ])
Name of the array containing elements you want to use to build a list.
Specify the character(s) you want to use to delimit elements in the list. Default is comma ( , ).
<!--- This example shows ArrayToList ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ArrayToList Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <CFQUERY NAME="GetEmployeeNames" DATASOURCE="HRApp"> SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees </CFQUERY> <!--- create an array ---> <CFSET myArray=ArrayNew(1)> <!--- loop through the query and append these names successively to the last element ---> <CFLOOP query="GetEmployeeNames"> <CFSET temp= ArrayAppend(myArray, "#FirstName# #LastName#")> </CFLOOP> <!--- show the resulting array as a list ---> <CFSET myList=ArrayToList(myArray, ",")> <!--- sort that array descending alphabetically ---> <CFSET myAlphaArray=ArraySort(myArray, "textnocase", "desc")> <!--- show the resulting alphabetized array as a list ---> <CFSET myAlphaList=ArrayToList(myArray, ",")> <!--- output the array as a list ---> <CFOUTPUT> <P>The contents of the array are as follows: <P>#myList# <P>This array, alphabetized by first name (descending): <P>#myAlphaList# <P>This array has #ArrayLen(MyArray)# elements. </CFOUTPUT> </BODY> </HTML>