Creates a date/time object for adding and subtracting other date/time objects.
See also CreateDateTime, DateAdd, and DateConvert.
CreateTimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds)
Number representing the number of days.
Number representing the number of hours.
Number representing the number of minutes.
Number representing the number of seconds.
The CreateTimeSpan function creates a special date/time object that should only be used to add and subtract from other date/time objects or with the CFPARAM CACHEDWITHIN attribute.
<!--- This example shows how to CreateTimeSpan ---> ... <CFIF IsDefined("FORM.year")> <!--- set variables for the date and for the time span ---> <CFSET yourDate=CreateDateTime(FORM.year, FORM.month,, FORM.hour, FORM.minute, FORM.second)> <CFSET yourTimeSpan=CreateTimeSpan(FORM.tsday, FORM.tshour, FORM.tsminute, FORM.tssecond)> <CFOUTPUT> <P>Your original date value: #yourDate# <P>The date of your timespan, formatted: <!--- output the results of the form ---> <P>#yourTimeSpan# days <CFIF yourTimeSpan LTE 0>before your<CFELSE>after your</CFIF> original date: <BR>#DateFormat(yourDate + yourTimeSpan)# #TimeFormat(yourDate + yourTimeSpan)# </CFOUTPUT> </CFIF> ...