Returns the ordinal for the day of the week. The day is given as an integer ranging from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday).
See also Day, DayOfWeekAsString, DayOfYear, DaysInMonth, DaysInYear, and FirstDayOfMonth.
Any date.
Years from 0 to 29 are interpreted as 21st century values. Years 30 to 99 are interpreted as 20th century values.
When passing a date/time value as a string, make sure it is enclosed in quotes. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a number representation of a date/time object, returning undesired results.
<!--- This example shows the value of the DayOfWeek function ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> DayofWeek Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor=silver> <H3>DayOfWeek Example</H3> <CFIF IsDefined("FORM.year")> More information about your date: <CFSET yourDate=CreateDate(FORM.year, FORM.month,> <CFOUTPUT> <P>Your date, #DateFormat(yourDate)#. <BR>It is #DayofWeekAsString(DayOfWeek(yourDate))#, day #DayOfWeek(yourDate)# in the week. <BR>This is day #Day(YourDate)# in the month of #MonthAsString(Month(yourDate))#, which has #DaysInMonth(yourDate)# days. <BR>We are in week #Week(yourDate)# of #Year(YourDate)# (day #DayofYear(yourDate)# of #DaysinYear(yourDate)#). <BR><CFIF IsLeapYear(Year(yourDate))>This is a leap year <CFELSE>This is not a leap year</CFIF> </CFOUTPUT> </CFIF> ...