
Returns the first index of an occurrence of a substring in a string from a specified starting position. Returns 0 if substring is not in string. The search is case-insensitive.

See also Find, CompareNoCase, FindOneOf, and Replace functions.


FindNoCase(substring, string [, start ])

String being sought.


String being searched.


Starting position for the search.


<!--- This example uses find, findnocase, and findoneof
 to see if a substring exists in a web page --->
FindNoCase Example

<BODY  bgcolor="#FFFFD5">

<CFSET thisPath=ExpandPath("*.*")>
<CFSET thisDirectory=GetDirectoryFromPath(thisPath)>
<CFIF IsDefined("form.yourFile")>
    <CFSET yourFile=form.yourFile>
    <CFIF FileExists(ExpandPath(yourfile))>
        <P>Your file exists in this directory.  You entered the correct
        file name, <CFOUTPUT>#GetFileFromPath("#thisPath#/#yourfile#")#
        <P>Your file was not found in this directory:

<!--- wait to have a string for searching defined --->
<CFIF IsDefined("form.myString") and IsDefined("form.type")>
    <!--- Now, test to see if the term was found --->
    A     <CFIF form.type is "find">case-sensitive
            <CFSET tag="find">
        <CFELSEIF form.type is "findNoCase">case-insensitive 
            <CFSET tag="findNoCase">
        <CFELSEIF form.type is "findOneOf">find the first instance of any
            <CFSET tag="findOneOf">
    test for your string "<CFOUTPUT>#form.MyString# </CFOUTPUT>" in

<!--- depending upon the action desired, perform different function --->
<CFIF IsDefined("tag")>
    <CFCASE value="find">
        <CFSET TheAction=Find(form.MyString, FORM.yourFile , 1)>
    <CFCASE value="findNoCase">
        <CFSET TheAction=FindNoCase(form.MyString, FORM.yourFile, 1)>
    <CFCASE value="findOneof">
        <CFSET TheAction=FindOneOf(form.MyString, FORM.yourFile, 1)>
        <CFSET TheAction=Find(form.MyString, FORM.YourFile, 1)>
    <CFIF TheAction is not 0>
        found an instance of your string at index <CFOUTPUT>#theAction#
        <P>No instance of your string was found.

<H3>FindNoCase Example</H3>

<P>This example uses find, findnocase and findoneof to see 
if a substring exists in a particular file in the directory 

<FORM ACTION="findnocase.cfm" METHOD="POST">
<P>Enter the name of a file in this directory <I><FONT SIZE="-1"></P>
<INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="yourFile" VALUE="daysinyear.cfm">

<P>And a substring to search for:
<BR><INPUT TYPE="Text" size=25 NAME="myString" VALUE="daysinyear">
<P>Pick a search type:
    <SELECT NAME="type">
        <OPTION VALUE="find" SELECTED>Case-Sensitive
        <OPTION VALUE="findNoCase">Case-Insensitive
        <OPTION VALUE="findOneOf">Find first instance
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="" VALUE="start search">