Evaluates a string value to determine if the variable named in the string value exists. IsDefined returns TRUE if the specified variable is found, FALSE if not found.
A string value, the name of the variable you want to test for. This value must always be enclosed in quotation marks.
<!--- This example shows the use of IsDefined ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> IsDefined Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor=silver> <H3>IsDefined Example</H3> <CFIF IsDefined("FORM.myString")> <P>Because the variable FORM.myString has been defined, we can now show its contents. This construction allows us to place a FORM and its resulting action template in the same template, while using IsDefined to control the flow of template execution. <P>The value of "FORM.myString" is <B><I><CFOUTPUT>#FORM.myString# </CFOUTPUT></I></B> <CFELSE> <P>During the first time through this template, the variable "FORM.myString" has not yet been defined, so it is not evaluated. </CFIF> ... </BODY> </HTML>