Returns the index of the first element of a list that contains the specified substring within elements. The search is case-sensitive. If no element is found, returns zero (0).
See also ListContainsNoCase and ListFind.
ListContains(list, substring [, delimiters ])
List being searched.
String being sought in elements of list.
Set of delimiters used in list.
<!--- This example shows ListContains ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ListContains Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BASEFONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=2> <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFD5"> <H3>ListContains Example</H3> <CFIF IsDefined("form.letter") OR IsDefined("form.yourCity")> <!--- First, query to get some values for our list ---> <CFQUERY NAME="GetLocations" DATASOURCE="HRAPP"> SELECT Location FROM Departments WHERE <CFIF form.yourCity is "">Location LIKE '#form.letter#%' <CFELSE>Location='#form.yourCity#'</CFIF> </CFQUERY> <CFSET tempList = ValueList(GetLocations.location)> <CFIF ListContains(tempList, form.yourCity) OR form.yourCity is "" AND GetLocations.RecordCount Is Not 0> <P><CFIF form.yourCity is "" >You didn't specify a city, but using <CFOUTPUT>#form.letter#</CFOUTPUT> to determine a location, we found the following information. </CFIF> <CFQUERY NAME="GetInformation" DATASOURCE="HRAPP"> SELECT Department_Name, Location FROM Departments WHERE <CFIF form.yourCity is "">Location LIKE '#form.letter#%' <CFELSE>Location LIKE '#form.yourCity#%'</CFIF> </CFQUERY> <UL> <CFOUTPUT query="GetInformation"> <LI><B>A #Department_Name# Department is in <I>#location#</ I></B> </CFOUTPUT> </UL> <CFELSE> <P>Sorry, no Allaire offices in your city; however, Allaire has a partnership program that you may wish to investigate <a href=" index.cfm">Partnership Program</a>. </CFIF> </CFIF> <FORM ACTION="listcontains.cfm" METHOD="POST"> Letter City begins with: <SELECT name="Letter"> <OPTION value="A">A <OPTION value="B">B <OPTION value="C" SELECTED>C <CFSET temp ="D"> <CFLOOP FROM="1" TO="25" INDEX="Counter"> <OPTION value="<CFOUTPUT>#temp#">#Temp#</CFOUTPUT> <CFSET temp = CHR(Evaluate(Asc(temp) + 1))> </CFLOOP> </SELECT> <P>Name of your city: <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="YourCity" VALUE=""> <BR>(<I>hint: try "C" or "S", "Cambridge"</I>) <INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="Find an Allaire office"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>