Returns the element at a given position.
See also ListFirst, ListLast, ListQualify, and ListSetAt.
ListGetAt(list, position [, delimiters ])
List whose element is being retrieved.
Positive integer indicating the position of the element being retrieved.
Set of delimiters used in list.
The first position in a list is denoted by the number 1, not 0.
<!--- This example shows ListGetAt and ListLen ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ListGetAt Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H3>ListGetAt Example</H3> <!--- Find a list of employees in HR ---> <CFQUERY NAME="GetEmployees" DATASOURCE="HRApp"> SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Employees Where Department_ID = 1 </CFQUERY> <CFSET last=ValueList(GetEmployees.LastName)> <CFSET first=ValueList(GetEmployees.FirstName)> <!--- loop through the list and show it with ListGetAt ---> <H3>There are <CFOUTPUT>#ListLen(last)#</CFOUTPUT> people in the Training Department. They are </H3> <UL> <CFLOOP FROM="1" TO="#ListLen(first)#" INDEX="Counter"> <CFOUTPUT><LI>#Counter#: #ListGetAt(first, Counter)# #ListGetAt(last, Counter)# </CFOUTPUT> </CFLOOP> </UL> </BODY> </HTML>