
Sorts and delimits the items in a list according to the specified sort type and sort order.


ListSort(list, sort_type [, sort_order] [, delimiter ])

List to be sorted. The items in the list must be separated by commas or otherwise delimited.


The type of sort to be executed. You can specify any of the following sort types:


The order to be followed. You can specify any of the following:


Specify the character(s) used to delimit elements in the list. Default is comma ( , ).


<!--- This example shows ListSort--->
<TITLE>ListSort Example</TITLE>

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<H3>ListSort Example</H3>

<!--- Find a list of users who wrote messages --->
SELECT    Department_Name
FROM    Departments

<CFSET myList = ValueList(GetDepartments.Department_Name)>
<P>Here is the unsorted list. </P>

<P>Here is the list sorted alphabetically:</P>
<CFSET sortedList = ListSort(myList, "Text")>

<P>Here is a numeric list that is to be sorted in descending order.</P>
<CFSET sortedNums = ListSort("12,23,107,19,1,65","Numeric", "Desc")>

<P>Here is a list that must be sorted numerically, since it contains both 
negative and positive numbers, as well as decimal numbers. </P>

<CFSET sortedNums2 = ListSort("23.75;-34,471:100,-9745","Numeric", 
"ASC", ";,:")>


<P>Here is a list that is to be sorted alphabetically without 
consideration of case.</P>

<CFSET sortedMix = ListSort("hello;123,HELLO,hello:jeans,-
345,887;ColdFusion:coldfusion", "TextNoCase", "ASC", ";,:")>
