Converts a locale-specific currency string that contains the Euro symbol (a) or sign (EUR) to a number. Attempts conversion through each of the three default currency formats (none, local, international). Returns the number matching the value of string.
See, also, LSParseCurrency, LSEuroCurrencyFormat and SetLocale.
The locale-specific string you want to convert to a number.
The LSParseEuroCurrency function can read the Euro symbol (a) only on Euro-enabled computers, such as Windows NT 4.0 SP4, that have Euro-enabled fonts installed.
This function is similar to LSParseCurrency except that LSParseEuroCurrency parses only the Euro currency symbol (a) or the international Euro sign (EUR), not other currency symbols such as the dollar sign ($) or the pound sign (£).
<!--- This example shows LSParseEuroCurrency ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>LSParseEuroCurrency Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H3>LSParseEuroCurrency Example</H3> <P>LSParseEuroCurrency converts a locale-specific currency string to a number. Attempts conversion through each of the three default currency formats. <!--------------------------------------------------------- Loop through a list of possible locales and show currency values for 123,456 units. -----------------------------------------------------------> <CFLOOP LIST="#Server.Coldfusion.SupportedLocales#" INDEX="locale" DELIMITERS=","> <CFSET oldlocale=SetLocale("#locale#")> <CFOUTPUT><P><B><I>#locale#</I></B><BR> Local: #LSEuroCurrencyFormat(123456, "local")#<BR> Currency Number: #LSParseEuroCurrency("EUR123456")#<BR> International: #LSEuroCurrencyFormat(123456, "international")#<BR> None: #LSEuroCurrencyFormat(123456, "none")#<BR> <Hr noshade> </CFOUTPUT> </CFLOOP> </BODY> </HTML>