Indicates whether the specified structure contains data. Returns TRUE if structure is empty and FALSE if it contains data.
See also StructClear, StructDelete, StructFind, StructInsert, StructKeyArray, StructCount, StructKeyExists, and StructUpdate.
Structure to be tested.
This function throws an exception if structure does not exist.
<!--- This example illustrates usage of StructIsEmpty. ---> <!--------------------------------------------------------------- This example assumes that you have created and assigned values to the fields of a structure named EMPINFO. -----------------------------------------------------------------> <CFIF StructIsEmpty(EMPINFO)> <CFOUTPUT>Error. EMPINFO is empty.</CFOUTPUT> <CFELSE> tempStruct=StructCopy(EMPINFO) <CFQUERY NAME="AddEmployee" DATASOURCE="HRApp"> INSERT INTO Employees (FirstName, LastName, StartDate, Salary, Contract, Department_ID) VALUES <CFOUTPUT> ( `#StructFind(tempStruct, "FirstName")#' , `#StructFind(tempStruct, "LastName")#' , `#StructFind(tempStruct, "StartDate")#' , `#StructFind(tempStruct, "Salary")#' , ( `#StructFind(tempStruct, "Contract")#' , `#StructFind(tempStruct, "Department_ID")#' ) </CFOUTPUT> </CFQUERY> </CFIF> <HR>Employee Add Complete <CFOUTPUT> <P>#StructCount(tempStruct)# columns added. </CFOUTPUT> ...