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The IReadCookie::get_Item method retrieves the specified item from a Cookie object.

HRESULT get_Item(


VARIANT * pVariantReturn


Parameters: IReadCookie::get_Item


A variant that contains the name of the item in the collection.


Points to a variant that receives the item value.

Remarks: IReadCookie::get_Item

If Var is a string, the cookie is assumed to be a dictionary cookie and Var is treated as the key. If Var is a variant with type VT_ERROR and error code DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, then the cookie is assumed to be a simple cookie and the primary value is returned. (If the cookie is a dictionary, the sequence of key/value pairs are URL-encoded and returned.)

If a dictionary lookup is performed and the item is not found, then pVariantReturn returns VT_EMPTY. Otherwise a VT_BSTR is always returned.

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