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The IRequestDictionary::get_Item method retrieves the specified item from a Request object dictionary

HRESULT get_Item(


VARIANT * pVariantReturn


Parameters: IRequestDictionary::get_Item


A variant that contains the name of the item in the collection.


Points to a variant that receives the item.

Remarks: IRequestDictionary::get_Item

Objects can specify that one or more variant parameters are optional. This is done by passing the parameter with the type set to VT_ERROR and a value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND. For example, if you want to do this with the Var parameter, the value it returns will depend on the object's implementation of the IRequestDictionary interface; the QueryString object will return the entire query string, for example.

·              For Request.QueryString, pVariantReturn contains the unparsed query string data.

·              For Request.Form, pVariantReturn contains the unparsed form data.

·              For Request.Cookies, pVariantReturn contains a URL-encoded list of the cookies.

·              Request.ServerVariables and Response.Cookies do not accept an optional variant parameter, and will raise a COM exception if Var is DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

If Var is not an optional parameter then it must be a VT_BSTR or a VT_DISPATCH pointer with a default value that can be converted to a BSTR. In this case, the BSTR value of Var is looked up in the appropriate dictionary, and the value of Var is returned. If Var is not in the dictionary, then a variant equal to VT_EMPTY is returned if the IRequestDictionary is covering one of the Request object's collections. If the IRequestDictionary pointer is the Response.Cookies collection, a new cookie with the name of Var is created, and that cookie is returned. If Var is not a BSTR (and not DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND), then the get_Item method will raise an OLE exception.

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