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JScript FileSystemObject Object GetDrive Method

Returns a Drive object corresponding to the drive in a specified path.

Syntax: JScript FileSystemObject Object GetDrive Method

object.GetDrive ( drivespec );

Arguments: JScript FileSystemObject Object GetDrive Method


The name of a FileSystemObject object. Required.


For Windows, the drivespec argument can be a drive letter (c), a drive letter with a colon appended (c:), a drive letter with a colon and path separator appended (c:\), or any network share specification (\\computer2\share1). For UNIX servers the only valid drivespec is "/". Required.

Remarks: JScript FileSystemObject Object GetDrive Method

For network shares, a check is made to ensure that the share exists.

An error occurs if drivespec does not conform to one of the accepted forms or does not exist.

To call the GetDrive method on a normal path string, use the following sequence to get a string that is suitable for use as drivespec:

DriveSpec = GetDriveName(GetAbsolutepathname(Path))

Under UNIX, the GetDrive method always returns a Drive object for '/'.

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