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JScript Operators



JScript Addition Operator (+)

Sum two numbers or perform string concatenation.

JScript Assignment Operator (=) [JScript Assignment Operator ('equals sign')

Assign a value to a variable.

JScript Bitwise AND Operator (&)

Perform bitwise AND on two expressions.

JScript Bitwise Left Shift Operator (<<)

Shift the bits of an expression to the left.

JScript Bitwise NOT Operator (~)

Perform a bitwise NOT (negation) of an expression.

JScript Bitwise OR Operator (|)

Perform bitwise OR on two expressions.

JScript Bitwise Right Shift Operator (>>)

Shift the bits of an expression right, maintaining sign.

JScript Bitwise XOR Operator (^)

Perform bitwise exclusive OR on two expressions.

JScript Comma Operator (,)

Causes expressions to be executed sequentially.

JScript Comparison Operators

Returns a Boolean value indicating the result of the comparison.

JScript Compound Assignment Operators

Combine computational operators with assignment operators to simplify expressions.

JScript Conditional (ternary) Operator (?:)

Executes one of two statements depending on a condition.

JScript Delete Operator

Deletes a property from an object, or removes an element from an array.

JScript Decrement (--) and Increment (++) Operators

Decrements a variable by one.

JScript Division Operator (/)

Divide two numbers and return a numeric result.

JScript Comparison Operators (==)

Compares two expressions for equality

JScript Comparison Operators (>)

Compares the magnitude of two expressions.

JScript Comparison Operators (>=)

Compares the magnitude or equality of two expressions.

JScript Comparison Operators (===)

Compares two expressions for equality and type.

JScript Decrement (--) and Increment (++) Operators

Increments a variable by one.

JScript Logical AND Operator (&&)

Perform a logical conjunction on two expressions.

JScript Logical NOT Operator (!)

Perform logical negation on an expression.

JScript Logical OR Operator (||)

Perform a logical disjunction on two expressions.

JScript Modulus Operator (%)

Divide two numbers and return only the remainder.

JScript Multiplication Operator (*)

Multiply two numbers.

JScript new Operator

Create a new object.

JScript Subtraction and Unary Negation Operator (-)

Indicate the negative value of a numeric expression.

Comparison (!===)

Compares two expressions for equality and type.

Subtraction (-)

Find the difference between two expressions

JScript typeof Operator

Determine the type of an expression.

JScript Unsigned Right Shift Operator (>>>)

Shift bits of an expression to the right.

JScript void Operator

Discards its operator and returns undefined.

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