Sun Chili!Soft ASP Sun Chili!Soft
ASP Sun Microsystems


Load Balancing

Sun Chili!Soft ASP supports various models for horizontal scalability and load balancing, including both software- and hardware-based solutions.

The classic model for providing horizontal scalability is to add additional servers to an overall "farm" of servers. The addition of user sessions, however, adds an element of complexity to the horizontal scalability picture. For ASP to maintain session information for a specific user, the user's requests must consistently be routed back to the same machine with which the initial session was created. This is called "session-aware load balancing," and can be done using either software or hardware solutions.

Sun Chili!Soft ASP supports both hardware- and software-based session-aware load balancing solutions. Software options are based primarily on round-robin DNS and clustering software, while hardware solutions include the use of "intelligent routers" (also referred to as "sticky sessions"). Intelligent routers are capable of routing a user's request back to the same machine with which the initial session was created.

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