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VBScript Folder Object IsRootFolder Property

Returns True if the specified folder is the root folder; False if it is not.

Syntax: VBScript Folder Object IsRootFolder Property


Arguments: VBScript Folder Object IsRootFolder Property


A Folder object.

Remarks: VBScript Folder Object IsRootFolder Property

The following code illustrates the use of the IsRootFolder property:

Dim fs

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Sub DisplayLevelDepth(pathspec)

Dim f, n

Set f = fs.GetFolder(pathspec)

If f.IsRootFolder Then

MsgBox "The specified folder is the root folder."


Do Until f.IsRootFolder

Set f = f.ParentFolder

n = n + 1


MsgBox "The specified folder is nested " & n & " levels deep."

End If

End Sub

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