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VBScript Operators



VBScript Addition Operator (+)

Sum two numbers.

VBScript And Operator

Perform a logical conjunction on two expressions.

VBScript Assignment Operator (=) [VBScript Assignment Operator ('equals')]

Assign a value to a variable or property.

VBScript Concatenation Operator (&)

Force string concatenation of two expressions.

VBScript Division Operator (/)

Divide two numbers and return a floating point result.

VBScript Eqv Operator

Perform a logical equivalence on two expressions.

VBScript Exponentiation Operator (^)

Raise a number to the power of an exponent.

VBScript Imp Operator

Perform a logical implication on two expressions.

VBScript Integer Division Operator (\)

Divide two numbers and return an integer result.

VBScript Is Operator

Compare two object reference values.

VBScript Mod Operator

Divide two numbers and return the remainder.

VBScript Muliplication Operator (*)

Multiply two numbers.

VBScript Negation and Subtraction Operator (-)

Indicate the negative value of a numeric expression. Or find the difference between two numbers.

VBScript Not Operator

Perform logical negation of an expression.

VBScript Or Operator

Perform logical disjunction on two expressions.

VBScript Xor Operator

Perform a logical exclusion on two expressions.

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