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ADO Recordset Object Supports Method

Determines whether a specified Recordset object supports a particular type of functionality.

Supports Method Syntax

boolean = recordset.Supports( CursorOptions )

Supports Method Parameters


A Long expression that consists of one or more of the following CursorOptionEnum values:




The AddNew method adds new records.


You can read and set the AbsolutePosition and AbsolutePage properties.


The Bookmark property accesses specific records.


The Delete method deletes records.


You can retrieve more records or change the next retrieve position without committing all pending changes.


The MoveFirst, MovePrevious, Move, and GetRows methods move the current position backward without requiring bookmarks.


The Resync method modifies existing data.


The Update method modifies existing data.


The UpdateBatch and CancelBatch methods transmit changes to the provider in groups.

Supports Method Remarks

Use the Supports method to determine what types of functionality a Recordset object supports. If the Recordset object supports the features whose corresponding constants are in CursorOptions, the Supports method returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.


Although the Supports method may return True for a given functionality, it does not guarantee that the provider can make the feature available under all circumstances. The Supports method simply returns whether or not the provider can support the specified functionality assuming certain conditions are met. For example, the Supports method may indicate that a Recordset object supports updates even though the cursor is based on a multi-table join, some columns of which are not updatable.

Supports Method Examples

This Visual Basic example uses the Supports method to display the options supported by a recordset opened with different cursor types. The DisplaySupport function is required for this procedure to run.

Public Sub SupportsX()

Dim aintCursorType(4) As Integer

Dim rstTitles As ADODB.Recordset

Dim strCnn As String

Dim intIndex As Integer

` Open connections.

strCnn = "driver={SQL Server};server=srv;" & _


` Fill array with CursorType constants.

aintCursorType(0) = adOpenForwardOnly

aintCursorType(1) = adOpenKeyset

aintCursorType(2) = adOpenDynamic

aintCursorType(3) = adOpenStatic

` Open recordset using each CursorType and

` optimitic locking. Then call the DisplaySupport

` procedure to display the supported options.

For intIndex = 0 To 3

Set rstTitles = New ADODB.Recordset

rstTitles.CursorType = aintCursorType(intIndex)

rstTitles.LockType = adLockOptimistic

rstTitles.Open "titles", strCnn, , , adCmdTable

Select Case aintCursorType(intIndex)

Case adOpenForwardOnly

Debug.Print "ForwardOnly cursor supports:"

Case adOpenKeyset

Debug.Print "Keyset cursor supports:"

Case adOpenDynamic

Debug.Print "Dynamic cursor supports:"

Case adOpenStatic

Debug.Print "Static cursor supports:"

End Select

DisplaySupport rstTitles


Next intIndex

End Sub

Public Sub DisplaySupport(rstTemp As ADODB.Recordset)

Dim alngConstants(9) As Long

Dim booSupports As Boolean

Dim intIndex As Integer

' Fill array with cursor option constants.

alngConstants(0) = adAddNew

alngConstants(1) = adApproxPosition

alngConstants(2) = adBookmark

alngConstants(3) = adDelete

alngConstants(4) = adHoldRecords

alngConstants(5) = adMovePrevious

alngConstants(6) = adResync

alngConstants(7) = adUpdate

alngConstants(8) = adUpdateBatch

For intIndex = 0 To 8

booSupports = _


If booSupports Then

Select Case alngConstants(intIndex)

Case adAddNew

Debug.Print " AddNew"

Case adApproxPosition

Debug.Print " AbsolutePosition and AbsolutePage"

Case adBookmark

Debug.Print " Bookmark"

Case adDelete

Debug.Print " Delete"

Case adHoldRecords

Debug.Print " holding records"

Case adMovePrevious

Debug.Print " MovePrevious and Move"

Case adResync

Debug.Print " resyncing data"

Case adUpdate

Debug.Print " Update"

Case adUpdateBatch

Debug.Print " batch updating"

End Select

End If

Next intIndex

End Sub

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