Sun Chili!Soft ASP Sun Chili!Soft
ASP Sun Microsystems


Relocating the System Files for a Shared Installation

For users installing Sun Chili!Soft ASP to shared file systems such as NFS or AFS (Andrew File System), use the following instructions to relocate the system files. If you are not installing to a shared file system, you should not alter the locations of the Sun Chili!Soft ASP system files.


Take great care when making the changes described in this section. Changes you make could require a complete reinstall of Sun Chili!Soft ASP, and could void your eligibility for customer support. You should back up your data before making any changes.

Most of the configuration settings described in this section are easily accessed from the Sun Chili!Soft ASP Administration Console. It is strongly recommended that you use the Administration Console whenever possible, as described in "Using the Administration Console" in this chapter.

Relocating the Registry File

One of the key Sun Chili!Soft ASP system files, the registry file (registry.bin), must be located on a local file system that supports file locking to ensure proper operation. During Sun Chili!Soft ASP installation, the installer creates a script named in the Sun Chili!Soft ASP installation directory (/opt/casp by default). Contained within this file is a line of code that resembles the following:

MWREGISTRY=[path name]/registry.bin

where [path name] is the current location of the registry file.

To relocate the registry file

1.   Write down the current value of [path name].

2.   Create the new directory where you wish to relocate the registry file. This directory must reside on the local machine where the file system supports file locking. For the following steps, this new directory will be referred to as <new path name>.

3.   Edit with a text editor such as vi and change the following line:

MWREGISTRY=[path name]/registry.bin


MWREGISTRY=[new path name]/registry.bin

4.   Copy the registry file from its old location ([path name]/registry.bin) to its new location ([new path name]/registry.bin).

Relocating Sun Chili!Soft ASP PID Files

For users who want to install Sun Chili!Soft ASP to a shared file system, but move writeable Sun Chili!Soft ASP files to a local file system, Sun Chili!Soft ASP provides a mechanism to allow for this. For single machine Sun Chili!Soft ASP installations, this is not required, but has the added benefit that it may decrease network congestion.

There are three attributes of importance in the casp.cnfg file (which is contained under each asp-<server>-<port> directory). These are the hashobj_pid and logfile attributes (located in the [machines] section), and the caspd_pid attribute (located in the [default machine] section). These attributes allow you to specify the locations of the two process ID (PID) files. If you need to relocate these files, remember the following:

·   If you have several Sun Chili!Soft ASP installations on a single physical server (with separate asp-<server>-<port> directories), then the casp.cnfg file in each directory may point to common directories for the PID and log files, but must point to different file names for the PID and log files.

For example, suppose the [machines] and [default machine] sections of your current casp.cnfg file resemble the following.










 [default machine]






In this situation, to relocate all of your files off of the shared /opt directory to a /usr/local/casp directory, use the following procedure.

To relocate all files

1.   Create the destination directory(ies), for example:

mkdir -p /usr/local/casp/pids

mkdir -p /usr/local/casp/logs

2.   Edit the casp.cnfg file to resemble the following example:










 [default machine]






3.   Copy the server log file and the PID files to the directories you created.

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