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Using FrontPage Database Connections

To create a database connection in FrontPage, you must enter information about the database, such as its name, ODBC driver, username, and password. FrontPage then writes this information to the global.asa file as a connection string.

However, connection strings must be constructed according to the ODBC driver being used, and the ODBC drivers are different on UNIX and Linux than on Windows. For this reason, before you can use Windows connections with Sun Chili!Soft ASP for UNIX or Linux, you must first edit them so they use the syntax described in "Creating Connection Strings" in this chapter.

In addition, when you use Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 or Microsoft Access databases with Sun Chili!Soft ASP for UNIX or Linux, you must use system DSNs in connection strings; you cannot use DSN-less connection strings or file DSNs. To use a system DSN for connecting to a particular database, your administrator must create a DSN for the database on the ASP Server. In addition, for SQL Server 6.5 and Access, your system administrator must configure SequeLink, as described in "Configuring SequeLink" in "Chapter 3: Managing Sun Chili!Soft ASP."

When you are using Sun Chili!Soft ASP for UNIX or Linux, consider migrating your Microsoft Access databases to dBASE as described in "Migrating an Access Database to dBASE" in this chapter. dBASE is relatively easy to learn and use and eliminates some of the platform compatibility problems you might otherwise experience.

For Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or 2000 databases, in addition to system DSNs, you can also use DSN-less connection strings and file DSNs. You should verify that your connection strings follow the syntax described in "Creating Connection Strings" in this chapter.

For all other databases supported by Sun Chili!Soft ASP, you can use system DSNs, file DSNs, and DSN-less connection strings.

See also:

Using FrontPage Database Features in this chapter

Connecting to a Database in this chapter

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